Specific resources for content

Subject-specific resources are materials and tools intended to support learning that are typically used in a particular area or in a particular space such as a laboratory.

Subject-specific resources are materials and tools intended to aid learning and are used only in that particular area or in a specific space such as a laboratory or gymnasium.

They are characterised by their unique application to clarify content and achieve a deeper and more meaningful understanding of a specific subject or topic.

Within this section, we could mention various laboratory materials such as microscopes, mineral samples, skeletons, globes, maps, sports equipment, geometric figures, scale models, and a long etcetera of examples which, although they are more commonly used in Secondary Education, are also of interest to Primary School pupils so that they can approach some content in a realistic way and, in any case, they are resources which have a high level of motivation.

Specific educational resources are associated with an area of knowledge and are recently becoming virtual resources present through computer applications, with these traditional materials being replaced by computer simulation programmes.

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Marina Muñiz
Marina Muñiz
9 April, 2023 11:23 pm

Este video es una breve introducción a cerca de los recursos específicos empleados para la explicación de los distintos contenidos. Su utilidad recae en que como futuros docentes es importante conocer todos estos recursos que pueden ayudar en la acción educativa, por lo que este video anima a documentarse e informarse más sobre estos.

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
Este video era bastante sencillo, por lo que ya conocía todo lo comentado en él.
What information would you add on this topic?
Creo que habría que profundizar más en cómo los diferentes recursos facilitan la acción educativa, cuándo emplearlos y adecuarlos a las edades de los alumnos, etc. Es decir, este video me gusta como introducción al tema, pero creo que se debe profundizar mucho más, ya que estos recursos son muy importantes.
Last academic level pass
3 April, 2023 12:29 pm

I think this video is very usefull as to recognise that some material is used to archieve a concrete purpose. It is important that future teachers know the types of materials with which we are going to work.

What information would you add on this topic?
I think the information is quite complete, but I would add how this tools can be adapted to people with special needs if needed. As well as materials that can be complemental for the learning procces and that be used from the students' own home, on their own.
Last academic level pass
High school