School guidance office

The Guidance Office is a space where you can meet with your family and students in a quiet and calm atmosphere.

The school counselling office is notable for its simplicity, and given the importance of the tasks that are carried out here, it is necessary to control, among other things, the stimuli that may distract or hinder the conduct of counselling interviews, the application of individual tests or the collection or delivery of information to pupils’ families.

Few public primary schools have a permanent guidance counsellor; this depends on the educational model enacted in each region. Large schools with a significant number of pupils with special educational needs or immigrant pupils usually have this position on a permanent basis in the school. There are also private and grant-aided schools that have a permanent counsellor.

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Marina Muñiz
Marina Muñiz
9 April, 2023 11:31 pm

Este video es útil para conocer los diferentes recursos con los que cuenta un colegio.

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No sabía que existían espacios reservados a este fin. Pensé que esta clase de reuniones se daban normalmente en las aulas corrientes o algo así.
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Me ha gustado el video ya que he descubierto algo que no sabía. Estaría bien contar con más información sobre si estos espacios son o no habituales en la mayoría de centros, más detalles acerca de cómo se utilizan, etc.