Families and legal guardians are the adults, relatives or not, who represent each pupil and are responsible for his or her nutrition, schooling and behaviour.
The family is the first agent of a child’s socialisation, and the school is the second. Families and legal guardians provide the basic affective and cultural context for pupils. For this reason, they must maintain a close and collaborative relationship with their teaching activity.
Legislation states that families and guardians have the right to a quality education for their children, to choose a school and to a moral and religious education in accordance with their beliefs. They also have the right to participate in in their children’s educational process, to be heard in decisions affecting academic guidance, to receive information on the organisation, functioning, governance and evaluation of education.
Families also have the duty to send their children to compulsory primary education in the right conditions for learning, to motivate them to study, to adopt measures to help their children overcome any difficulties they may encounter and to participate in the activities proposed by the school, to collaborate with the teaching staff, and to respect the rules and members of the community.
Most of these rights and duties are put into practice in accordance with what is established in the tutorials and can be summarised in the information and participation in learning progress, in knowing the decisions regarding assessment and promotion, and in collaborating in the support or reinforcement measures adopted by the centres to facilitate their educational process.
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Nice video with the legal duties and rights that families have in the educational community.
un vídeo muy recomendable para que las familias conozcan los derechos y deberes que tienen en relación con sus hijos en los centros educativos.
This video explains perfectly the obligations and duties that relate to legal guardians in relation to the school.
Family’s Responsibilities toward Children