
The gymnasium is a large school space, duly equipped with the necessary materials to carry out school activities.

The gymnasium, together with the playground or the sports centre, are educational spaces used in the teaching of physical education, depending on the educational practices programmed.

It is a space with sufficient capacity for the number of pupils who use it in each session, and with the specific materials normally used: balls, ropes, mats, wall bars, benches, etc. It will also have other areas for storage and for the students’ toilets.

Spanish legislation states that schools must have “a playground, partially covered, which can be used as a multi-sports court, with a surface area appropriate to the number of school places. In no case shall it be smaller than 900 square metres. Many schools find it difficult to meet this requirement and occasionally some move their pupils to a municipal sports centre to hold some of the scheduled sessions.

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Martín Menéndez
Martín Menéndez
10 April, 2023 12:23 pm

Really interesting how it shows the rules behind these areas of the school.

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
I didn't know that there was a specific rule for the minimum of space that a gym must have, and I also didn't know that it was mandatory to have a open space and a covered space.
What information would you add on this topic?
I would show if there are any exceptions for some schools which are unable to complete the space requirements.
Last academic level pass
Bachelors degree
Lucia Cerrada
Lucia Cerrada
8 April, 2023 3:12 pm

Un recurso muy interesante y funcional.

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
me ha sorprendido el tamaño mínimo que debe tener un patio cubierto en un colegio para poder usarse como polideportivo.
What information would you add on this topic?
Quizás añadiría más información sobre el uso de este gimnasio en horario extraescolar para el alumnado.
Last academic level pass
High School
Elena Labra
Elena Labra
29 March, 2023 10:22 pm


Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
I did not know that the Spanish legislation covered the size of the gymnasium or recreational area, which I think is really positive.
What information would you add on this topic?
More and more often, spaces like the recreational area or the gymnasium are used in classes of subjects that are not necessarily Physical Education. The reason for this is to use large spaces to do practical activities during lessons.
Last academic level pass
High school degree