In schools there are other governing bodies in addition to the management team, namely the school staff and the school council. The Organic Law on the Right to Education, LOE, describes these bodies in Articles 126 to 130, and each Community with educational competences develops them in their respective decrees.
When tasks are decentralised, strong coordination between the resulting sections is necessary in order not to deviate from the objectives set. These sections or working teams function in education in a slightly autonomous way within the official rules, as quality circles. The aforementioned LOE deals with teaching coordination very briefly in Article 130. As far as Primary Education is concerned, it states that it will be the educational administrations that regulate the functioning of the teaching coordination and guidance bodies and promote teams of teachers who teach the same year, as well as collaboration and teamwork between teachers who teach the same group of pupils.
The School Council is the collegiate governing body of the schools through which the participation of teachers, pupils, parents, administration and services staff and the City Council is articulated. It will ensure that the current regulations are complied with in each centre, that the proposed educational objectives are achieved and that the quality and equity of education is maintained. It also promotes the participation of the educational community in the organisation and running of the centre, the measures necessary for full equality between men and women, and good coexistence. Other functions are to guarantee the exercise of their rights and the fulfilment of their duties to each sector of the educational community.
The faculty brings together all the teachers of a school to analyse any issue that affects the educational community.
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