
The library is the place where books, perhaps the most important learning aids, are managed and organised.

The library contains and provides access to printed materials such as books, brochures, newspapers, dictionaries, etc. It also offers audiovisual and digital documents that are used to expand and deepen the topics covered in the classroom.

It also houses other materials that serve as entertainment to encourage the development of the reading habit.

In this way, the library is no longer a storage space but a place where learning resources are organised and applied.

The regulations usually contemplate the requirements of this space, for example in Spain it states that in primary education centres it must have “a minimum surface area of 45 square metres”.

Some dictionaries, encyclopaedias and texts widely used in certain didactic units are moved from the library to the classroom in order to be able to use them whenever they are needed in the development and expansion of that subject.

There is also a classic book lending service, which allows students to take these materials home to consult them.
It is important to point out the service for consulting documents on the Internet, for which many libraries have computer terminals that enable students to access these resources.

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Noé Sabatier
Noé Sabatier
10 April, 2023 11:48 am

As a student of education, I fully agree with the importance of libraries as a learning resource for students. The library provides access to a wide range of printed and digital materials, which can help to expand and deepen the topics covered in the classroom.
Moreover, the library can also serve as a place for entertainment, which can encourage the development of the reading habit. This is an important aspect, as reading is a fundamental skill that can benefit students in many ways, including enhancing their vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and creativity.
I also find it interesting that some dictionaries, encyclopedias and texts are moved from the library to the classroom in order to be used whenever they are needed. This approach can make the learning experience more practical and effective, as students can have immediate access to the materials that are relevant to their current learning topic.
Finally, I agree with the importance of providing students with access to the Internet and digital resources, as this is a vital aspect of modern education. The use of computer terminals in libraries can provide students with a range of online resources, which can further enhance their learning experience.
In conclusion, I believe that libraries are an essential part of the education system, providing students with access to a wide range of learning resources and encouraging the development of essential skills such as reading and digital literacy.

Last academic level pass
High school
Adam Kracík
Adam Kracík
16 February, 2023 12:03 pm

Point of view from the Czech Republic

What differences do you find on this topic in your country?
In the Czech Republic, there is no rule that orders schools to have a library. Therefore, it is absolutely not common to have a library in primary schools which I found very sad. Since it is more than necessary to provide children a place where to gather and spend some time out of the class.
Czech Republic
Last academic level pass
Bachelor degree student