Teachers’ room

The teachers’ lounge is an official meeting area and also a place for teachers to meet and socialise during break periods between classes.

In schools there are usually no specific spaces for each teacher, and they use this room to mark, schedule and prepare class assignments. On other occasions, it may serve as a common meeting space for staff meetings, school council meetings or other small group activities.

In addition to a large table and sufficient chairs, these spaces often have cabinets, corkboards or whiteboards with the most important or need-to-know information.

In many cases, these rooms also have a computer and a coffee machine at the teachers’ disposal.

The fact that they are at the teachers’ disposal to be used during their free time helps them to interact and get to know each other better, which translates into an improvement in the harmony and collaboration that should exist among the teaching staff. Thus, in some cases they have more comfortable sofas or chairs in order to establish, through the furniture, a space for rest and a place where they can establish a better relationship with their colleagues.

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Lucía Pérez
Lucía Pérez
10 April, 2023 12:44 pm


Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
Realmente no había información que desconociera.
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Añadiría que tipo de cuestiones se suelen tratar en esta sala. Si solo se realizan los claustros o si se llevan a cabo otro tipo de reuniones o actividades.
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FP Grado superior
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Me gustaría añadir que podría ser interesante hacer otro espacio parecido de tal forma que si dos profesores de la misma materia quieren tratar un tema puedan reunirse cómodamente sin interrumpir en la sala de profesores, donde puede que se encuentren personas corrigiendo exámenes.