The secretary is a teacher or a specific person who is responsible for the administration of school documents, minutes of meetings and control of financial resources.
The secretary is the person in charge of managing the financial resources and carrying out the administrative procedures of the school.
He/she is a teacher chosen by the head teacher from among all the teachers at the school, thus becoming an integral part of the management team.
He/she works in collaboration with the other members of the management team and is the person in charge of organising the school’s administrative and financial apparatus, budgeting, bookkeeping and presenting the accounts to the administrative authorities.
He/she carries out the typical tasks of a secretary in collegiate governing bodies such as the teaching staff or the school council; he/she takes and keeps the minutes, the financial books, the pupils’ records and the school archives, issues certificates, updates the inventory and other activities typical of a school secretary’s office in an educational institution.
The secretary’s duties end when the school head, who appointed him or her or when he or she deems it appropriate.
In medium-sized and large schools, they have reduced hours and a financial allowance.
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School secretary in the Czech Republic