Teacher specialising in therapeutic pedagogy

The teacher specialised in Therapeutic Pedagogy is the person in charge of specialised support for students with specific educational support needs and teachers.

The specialist teacher in therapeutic pedagogy is the one who carries out specialised support for pupils with different types of educational needs.

This support takes place during the school day, in the regular classroom or in a specific support classroom, in which a small group of pupils with specific needs may be accommodated for a very specific period of time.

This teacher uses specific materials and methods to meet the needs of the pupils. He/she also co-ordinates well with the tutor and advises him/her on how to work with the pupil and what needs to be reinforced in the classroom.

It should also be noted that the therapeutic pedagogy teacher attends to all pupils in the school with temporary or permanent needs and keeps an eye on their progress and evolution.

The specialised support teacher usually participates in the assessment and monitoring of the pupils with whom he/she has intervened.

These teachers are teachers who have completed a specialisation in special education and are therefore qualified to provide more specialised treatment in accordance with the pupils’ specific needs.

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Paula SUárez Mayo
Paula SUárez Mayo
10 April, 2023 1:59 pm

This video is useful to learn about this pedagogical specialization

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
I didn’t know that these teachers could work in a regular classroom as well as in a specific one made to teach those students with special needs
What information would you add on this topic?
Maybe I would explain a little bit how to join these specializations and the different sub-specializations that may exist
Last academic level pass
Bachelor degree
Elena Labra
Elena Labra
29 March, 2023 10:00 pm

Very useful video to get to know a not commonly known specialisation.

What information would you add on this topic?
I would add that the specific methods used are those such as routines for example, or using more visual materials. This teachers and support classrooms are not present in every school, only in a few of them, as the costs and amount of resources are high.
Last academic level pass
High school degree
Adam Kracík
Adam Kracík
19 January, 2023 11:00 am

A comparison with the Czech Republic system.

What similarities do you find on this topic in your country?
The teacher specializing in therapeutic pedagogy's duties and requirements do not differ at all.
What differences do you find on this topic in your country?
The only one difference I found is that, in general, there are no special classes for such a teacher. The teacher just cooperates with the "classic" teacher during the normal classes and helps him with an explanation of topics or subsequently with evaluation.
Czech Republic
Last academic level pass
Bachelor degree student
Clemens Burkhardt
Clemens Burkhardt
13 December, 2022 6:13 pm

Usefull because I can compare to work of specialized teachers from my experience.

What similarities do you find on this topic in your country?
awareness of special needs of children in school; use of special material, support during the school day
What differences do you find on this topic in your country?
the execution of diagnoses is not explicitly listed here but part of the job in my country
Last academic level pass
Bachelor degree
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