Primary schools

This platform or shows with short videos the parts and components of a real primary education school, the Eduardo Martínez Torner Public School (Gijón – Spain). 

It is a cultural dissemination project that aims to give an initial vision of the interior and organization of these schools following the Spanish official teaching model.

This space describes some aspects of the initial education of the youngest population in Spain, which is carried out in regulated educational institutions, schools, and which are governed by regulations emanating from the Constitution and organic laws. The distribution of educational competences means that these standards are specified before their application in each Autonomous Community according to the singularities of each region.

The platform has been carried out by teachers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (University of Oviedo) and from the Junta de Castilla y León (CEPA Victoriano Crémer, Burgos) with the aim of publicizing the basic operation of educational centres from elementary school. We hope that it can be useful for teachers who want to carry out work with university students of the Early Childhood and Primary Education Master’s degrees. And also, that it is useful for the academic community, for families or other people interested in knowing the figures, the basic functions of the professionals who work in these centres, the resources, the educational spaces,… All this is addressed from small videos of 2-3 min. and short explanatory texts.

The ideas presented can be very basic, but this format has been sought to reach people who are unaware of these contents, who are approaching them for the first time, or who from contexts other than Spanish want to have these references … Therefore, we encourage you to explore each of the videos and texts that appear in the different sections of this website.

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