Coordination bodies

In schools, when tasks are decentralised, coordination between the resulting sections is necessary in order not to deviate from the objectives set. These sections or working teams function autonomously within official standards, in the form of quality circles.
The LOE law deals with teaching coordination in Article 130. As far as Primary Education is concerned, it states that the educational administrations shall regulate the functioning of the teaching coordination and guidance bodies and promote teams of teachers who teach in the same year, as well as collaboration and teamwork between teachers who teach the same group of pupils.

In schools, there are some formal groups that have specific tasks in addition to direct teaching:

  • the Pedagogical Coordination Committee,
  • the Cycle Teams and the group tutor meetings.

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Jesus Sanz
Jesus Sanz
10 April, 2023 5:24 pm

These videos bring us much closer to how the school works on the inside or how its different bodies work and coordinate.

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
I was not aware of how everything should be organized and even of these meetings where so many issues become relevant.
What information would you add on this topic?
This is a topic that I didn't know anything else about beforehand, so I don't have anything to add, although I'm surprised that no one else has given their opinion on the subject as it is something so relevant.
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