Generic students

The generic student body is the group of people, usually young people, who are brought together by age and educational level, who learn a subject under the guidance of a teaching service.

The pupils are grouped in a classroom and interact with the teacher. The pupils work with different educational materials and resources. The teacher supervises the tasks and carries out explanations using different educational resources. The pupils carry out their tasks individually or in groups, depending on the activity planned and proposed by the teacher.

This classroom is characterised by the heterogeneity of the pupils in terms of their performance, their needs, their interests, etc. This is why the Spanish education system is said to be comprehensive and diverse. In the primary stage, pupils are placed in different classes according to chronological criteria, although sometimes pupils of different ages may be grouped together if the school is small.

The “ratio” is the number of pupils per teacher. In Spain, the average is about 16 pupils per classroom. The Spanish legislation does not allow more than 25 pupils of the same age per class in primary education, except in rural areas with a small school population and where all pupils attend school regardless of their age.

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Xuaco Álvarez Loza
Xuaco Álvarez Loza
10 April, 2023 11:39 am

This is a good video that explains the normal situation of a class, and the interactions between pupils.
In the video you can see what happens in a normal class, and how the teacher organizes the lesson.

Is there anything you didn’t know? If so, describe it.
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A class can be organized in different ways.
Last academic level pass
High School
Last edited 1 year ago by Xuaco Álvarez Loza
29 March, 2023 10:56 pm

I personally think that this video sumps up perfectly the organization of students in classrooms and how they stay and interact during the lessons. It is a very short video that carries some good information and visual content.

Last academic level pass
High School
Dino Mancarella
Dino Mancarella
3 October, 2022 4:06 pm

the video gives a general overview of the class composition

What differences do you find on this topic in your country?
According to Italian legislation: The number of pupils in initial classes for disabled pupils may not exceed 20, provided that the need for this number is justified in relation to the educational needs of disabled pupils. Primary school sections are formed with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 26 pupils, except in the case of disabled pupils. Any surplus pupils must be redistributed among the different sections of the same school, without exceeding the number of 27 pupils per section. In schools where full-time classes are held, the total number of classes is determined on the basis of the total number of pupils enrolled. In mountain municipalities, small islands and geographic areas inhabited by linguistic minorities, classes with a minimum number of 10 pupils may be established.
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phd student